Exam Glove Manufacturing Process

Glove Factory


Medical exam gloves being manufactured in a factory.

Inside a Glove Factory Where Workers Are Checking Glove Formers


Glove factories producing medical exam gloves follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). GMP is a set of guidelines for manufacturing which is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration for the manufacturing of medical goods that will be used in the U.S. Since most disposable gloves are manufactured for the purposes of medical use to be sold in the United States of America, it is important to ensure high quality gloves are made by following GMP procedures.

Even though most of the manufacturing process of medical gloves is automated by machines, it is still fairly labor intensive. For instance, the exam gloves are typically packaged into boxes by hand. For this reason, the cost of labor play a signifant role in determining where medical exam gloves are manufactured to ensure the glove factory remains competitive in the global market.

It is not uncommon for some glove factories to produce medical exam gloves for multiple companies. In fact, these manufacturers may also sell industrial gloves, surgical gloves, and even condoms. The primary differences in making these products is the formers is the level of quality and the formers used.


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